
Keto Crêpe recipe|Easy! Microwave or pan made French crêpes<15 min>

crape ケト レシピ

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Can you teach me how to make Keto French crêpe?

I would like to make it by either microwave or pan.

This recipe is “Keto French crêpe.”

It is a bit tricky to make ketogenic crepes because if you try to make crêpes without cake flour, it can be very fragile and the skin can be torn.

But, if you know proper ingredients, it is not so hard. I am using alternative ingredient which does not contain much carbs in this recipe.

The texture can be slightly different, yet it is pretty close to flour. You can enjoy French crêpes without feeling guilty thanks to the ingredient!

I found this recipe in Japan, and I would like to share it for those who are struggling to make low-carb crêpes globally(I am Japanese currently live in the USA).

On the crêpe, you can add a lot of heavy cream and many berries, as they do not add carbs much.

Or, of course you can create salad crêpe or add creamy cheese mushroom sauce to make it like galette crêpe without sugar and adding some garlic powder and salt.

Enjoy your own version of crêpes!

If you would like to jump the recipe, please click the button below.

Keto crêpe recipe|Ingredient : Okara powder

The essential ingredient for this recipe is Okara powder. It is very much recommended to store those items in your kitchen if you start working on low-carb diet or ketogenic.

Okara powder can be perfect alternative for cake flour.

Okara powder

Okara powder has very close texture to flour and yet, it does not contain much net-carbs. Almond powder is often used as an alternative for any flour, but Okara powder works a lot better.

Okara powder is made of soy beans. The ingredient is made in the process of making Tofu. After squeezing juice of boiled soy beans to make Tofu, the left over is called “Okara.” Okara has been used to make salad and so on in Japan.

If you are on Ketogenic diet, the benefit is very clear to substitute flour by Okara powder. The carb that is contained in each ingredient is as follows;

  carb fiber net-carb
All purpose flour 75.9g 2.5g 73.4g
Okara powder 66g 57g 9g
※Amount of Carbs per 100g

It is recommended to use “fine” version of Okara powder so that the texture can be very much like all purpose flour.

In the USA:

>> Renewal Mill Okara Flour 

I just started to use this powder and just fell in love with it. It has perfect texture as an alternative. Though, I do not understand why the zipper does not function to close the bag. I am using a clip to close it.

In Japan:

created by Rinker

Keto crêpe recipe|Ingredients

ingredients crape

Ingredients are as follows;

  •  Okara powder
  • Butter
  • Egg
  • Whole Earth
  • Soy milk
  • Vanilla extract
  • Coconut oil  or Butter (Only if you use a pan to make it)

Keto crêpe recipe|How to make mix

1 In a bowl, put an egg, melted butter and whisk little with a whipper.

2 Put Okara powder, sugar substitute, soy milk and vanilla extract in the egg and mix well.

Keto crêpe recipe|How to make by microwave

Steps 1 to 2 are the same for pan and microwave.

3 Spread a food wrap on a plate or bowl, making the surface flat.


4 Place 1/4 of the crêpe on the food wrap and spread evenly. 

crape microwave

5 Set the Microwave to 600W and microwave for one minute. check if the consistency is right. If more time is needed, add 15 sec.

6 Peel the crêpe from the wrap carefully.

microwave crape

Keto crêpe recipe|How to make by a pan

Steps 1 to 2 are the same for pan and microwave.

3 Heat a pan for a while before putting the crêpe mix. When it is heated, put the pan on a wet cloth. After hearing sizzling sound, put the pan back to the stove. (This will make the heat distribution even.)

4 spread the 5 ml of coconut oil, butter or olive oil on the pan and put crêpe mix on the pan.

5 Heat the pan with a little weaker than mid heat and pour the mix in the center. When you start seeing the crêpe skin edge getting dried, turn the heat to low.

6 When all the skin is seemingly done, peel off the crêpe from the pan by spatula. Flip carefully.

7 Heat the other side for 1-2 min using low heat.

8 When the other side turns its color to light brown, it is done.

Left side: Microwave Right side: Pan

You can put whipped cream, custard cream, etc on the crape. As banana, peach, mango have a lot of sugar, you should better avoid those sweet fruits.

Berries, nuts, some spices are very much recommended for keto dieters as they contain small amount of carbs.

Oh, and you can use whipped cream as you like as long as it does not contain sugar.


Bon appetit!

keto crape

You may freeze them if necessary. Wrap each of them separately in the case.

Ketogenic crêpe recipe | Made by Okara powder

This is the recipe of ketogenic crêpe recipe. Okara powder used in this recipe is perfect substitutes for crêpes!
Prep Time5 minutes
Active Time10 minutes
Total Time15 minutes
Course: Breakfast, Dessert
Cuisine: French
Keyword: crêpe, ketogenic, low-carb
Yield: 2
Calories: 150kcal


  • Bowl
  • plastic food wrap/microwave
  • Plate
  • pan


  • 16 g Okara powder
  • 20 g Butter Make it slightly melted by microwave
  • 2 Egg
  • 10 g Whole earth Sugar would be 20g
  • 80 ml soy milk
  • few drops vanilla extract
  • 4 tsp Coconut oil or butter or olive oil


  • In a bowl, put an egg, melted butter and whisk little with a whipper.
  • Put okara powder, sugar substitute, soy milk and vanilla extract in the egg and mix well.
  • <If you use a microwave>
  • Spread plastic food wrap on a middle size flat plate pulling every corner of the wrap so that the surface is completely horizontal.
  • Place 1/4 of the crêpe mix on the food wrap and spread evenly.
  • Set the microwave to 600W and microwave for a min.
  • Check the crape and if needed, add 15 sec more.
  • <If you use a pan>
  • Heat a pan for a while before putting crêpe mix. When it is heated, put the pan on a wet cloth. After hearing sizzling sound, put the pan back to the stove.
  • Turn on the heat little weaker than middle. Spread the 5 ml of some oil on the pan and put 1/4 of crêpe mix on the pan.
  • When you start seeing the crêpe skin edge getting dried, turn the heat low.
  • When all the skin is seemingly done, peel off the crape from the pan by spatula. flip carefully.
  • Heat another side for 1-2 min by low heat.
  • When the other side turns its color brown, it is done.


【For 2】
Protein: 12.1g (29%)
Fat: 25.9g(61%)
Net carb: 4.5g  (11%)
(Total calorie :299kcal)
crape graph
  • This calculation is based on coconut oil. 


crape ケト レシピ
















  糖質 食物繊維 実質糖質
薄力粉 75.9g 2.5g 73.4g
おからパウダー 66g 57g 9g



created by Rinker


>> Renewal Mill Okara Flour 



ingredients crape


  •  おからパウダー
  • バター
  • たまご
  • ラカントS ※砂糖でも同量
  • 豆乳
  • バニラエッセンス
  • ココナツオイル  または バター(フライパンの場合のみ)


1 溶かしたバターとたまごをいれ、ホイッパーでかきまぜます。

2 おからパウダー、甘味料、豆乳、バニラエッセンスを入れ、まぜます。

cape mix

crape mix


3 中くらいのお皿にサランラップが浮くように隅を引っ張ってしっかり張っておきます。


5 生地をラップの上に生地の1/4をおき、お皿を回すようにして平らに広げます。

crape microwave

6 電子レンジで600Wで1分加熱し、様子を見ます。足りなければ30秒ずつ足します。

7 サランラップからそっとはがします。

microwave crape


5 焼く前にフライパンを熱して、熱くなったら一度ぬれふきんにおき、じゅーっと音を立てます。一度火は消します。

6 バター、ココナツオイル、オリーブオイルのいずれかをフライパンに広げ、1/4の生地をフライパンに入れて広げます。

cape pan

7 火を中火にかけます。生地のまわりが乾いてきたら、弱火にします。

8 生地の周りをへらなどでめくります。全方向からフライ返しを入れ、クレープの下がフライパンにくっついていなか確認します。さいばしかフライ返しでひっくり返します。

9 裏面はそのまま弱火で焼きます。

crape pan

10 裏面が焼けたらできあがり。

左:電子レンジ 右:フライパン











Prep Time5 minutes
Active Time10 minutes
Total Time15 minutes
Course: Dessert, デザート
Cuisine: French, フレンチ
Keyword: クレープ, ケトジェニック, ロカボ, 低糖質
Yield: 1
Calories: 150kcal


  • ボール
  • お皿
  • サランラップ
  • フライパン(焼く場合)
  • フライ返しか菜ばし


  • 16 g おからパウダー
  • 20 g バター
  • 2 たまご
  • 20 g ラカントS ※砂糖でも同量
  • 80 ml 豆乳
  • 少々 バニラエッセンス
  • 4 小さじ バター、ココナツオイル、オリーブオイル (フライパンの場合)


  • 溶かしたバターとたまごをボールに割りいれ、ホイッパーでかき混ぜます。
  • おからパウダー、甘味料、豆乳、バニラエッセンスを入れ、混ぜます。
  • (電子レンジの場合)
  • 中くらいのお皿にサランラップが浮くように隅を引っ張ってしっかり張り、生地を大さじ2ほど伸ばします。
  • 電子レンジ600wで1分加熱し、様子を見ます。足りなければ15秒ずつ足します。
  • (フライパンでつくる場合)
  • 焼く前にフライパンを熱して、熱くなったら一度ぬれふきんにおき、じゅーっと音を立てます。一度火は消します。
  • ココナツオイルかバターをフライパンに広げ、大さじ2の生地をフライパンに入れてスプーンの背で広げます。
  • 火を中火にかけます。生地のまわりが乾いてきたら、弱火にします。
  • 生地の周りをへらなどでめくり、さいばしかフライ返しでひっくり返します。
  • 裏面はそのまま弱火で焼きます。
  • 裏面が焼けたらできあがり。


たんぱく質: 12.1g (29%)
脂質: 25.9g(61%)
実質糖質: 4.5g  (11%)
crape graph